Dr. Doxakis Anestakis
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Dr. Doxakis Anestakis he has a University Degree in Medicine from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.TH) and Bachelor Degree in Medical Laboratories from Technological Institute of Thessaloniki (T.E.I.TH). Also, he has a Master Degree in Health Care Management from Open University of Cyprus and a PhD in Medicine from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (I was taken a scholarship to undertake the PhD thesis of the "Heraclitus II - Funding for doctoral research. NSRF 2007 – 2013"). He is specialist in Pathology and also in the operation of Biobanks. From January 2014 I am a Chairman of the Management Board of the Panhellenic Biobank from Neurological Diseases (Hellas Neuro-Bio) after elections. The purpose of the Association is: 1) support and promote scientific and research activity in the field of neurological and neurodegenerative diseases. 2) The organization and function in cooperation with other university, hospital , research and scientific institutions PanHellenic biobanks neurological diseases that will include: • Department of brain tissue • Department of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) • Department of Blood • Department of Genetics (DNA-RNA) for use and assistance of medical and general scientific and research community. 3) The promotion of posthumous donation of body organs for research purposes. 4) promotion of cooperation between scientific and research organizations in the field of neurodegenerative and neurological diseases in general. 5) The humanitarian, social, voluntary support of mental health and dementia and in particular those suffering from degenerative diseases (Alzheimer, Frontotemporal Dementia, Vascular Dementia, Dementia with particles Lewy, dementia in Parkinson's disease and other neurodegenerative and neurological diseases in general). From 2009 until today I am a Research Associate in the Laboratory of Medical Biology of School of Medicine in A.U.TH., where I train the students of Medicine and Dentistry School, in Biology and Genetic (438 hours). From 2014 until today I am salaried Post-doctoral Associate at the Medical School of A.U.TH. In the organization and operation of biobanks. Also, from September 2014 until September 2015 I am a Research Associate in the Laboratory of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology in Medical School in A.U.TH. where I train the students of Medicine School, in Forensic Medicine and Toxicology (10 hours). From July 2015 until today I am a Teaching & Research Fellow in Laboratory of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology of Medical School in A.U.TH. He has participated in 200 National and International Congresses and I have announced 190 abstracts in International and Greek Conferences. I have published of 31 Scientific Papers, 30 in Internationally Recognized Journals and 1 in Greek Journals (Total IF: 32,668 – Citations: 181).
Research Interest